Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Plastic Cards: Tips and Techniques

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Imagine handing out a plastic card that not only dazzles with its clear, unblemished surface but also feels as fresh as the day it was printed. Sounds impressive, right? That's what we strive for here at Plastic Card ID . We don't just sell plastic cards and high-quality card printers; we are passionate about ensuring those cards stay in top-notch condition. To maintain that new card sheen, following our cleaning and maintaining guidelines is the key to having your plastic cards serve as a lasting emblem of your esteemed brand.

A clean plastic card is like a firm handshake - it makes a memorable first impression. Whether it's for access control, membership identification, or loyalty programs, each swipe or tap is a reflection of your commitment to excellence. And let's face it, a smudged or scratched card is just not the best representative of your business. So let's keep those cards pristine, keeping your brand's reputation as spotless as the cards themselves.

Calling us at 800.835.7919 is all it takes to kickstart your journey towards flawless card maintenance. With our guidance, each transaction will be a clear testament to your business's quality and attention to detail.

The first step to maintaining that brand-new card look is adopting a proper cleaning regimen. We're not talking about a quick rub on your sleeve; we mean a thorough, gentle cleanse that keeps the integrity of the card intact.

Simple practices like using a soft cloth and appropriate cleaning solution can go a long way. Here's how to keep those cards looking immaculate:

  • Gently Wipe: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove surface dirt and fingerprints gently.
  • Specialized Cleaners: If needed, use a mild cleaning solution designed for plastic materials. No harsh chemicals, please!
  • Air Dry: Let your cards air dry completely before stacking or storing them. This prevents moisture buildup that can lead to card damage.

Once those cards are sparkling clean, don't just toss them back in a drawer. Proper storage is almost as crucial as the cleaning itself. You wouldn't want all that hard work to go to waste, after all.

Here are some quick tips to store your cards effectively and prevent any premature wear or tear:

  • Keep Them Cool: Store your cards in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent warping or color fading.
  • Neat and Tidy: Use card holders or envelopes to keep cards neat and prevent scratches.
  • Separation is Key: Keep different types of cards separated to avoid magnetic strip damage.

Like any valuable item in your inventory, plastic cards require careful handling. Rough treatment not only shortens the lifespan of your cards but also gives off an unprofessional impression.

Encourage your staff and clients to handle cards with respect. Simple actions can ensure the cards remain in good condition:

  • Avoid Bending: Bending the cards can damage the internal chip or magnetic strip, leading to failure.
  • Gentle Touch: Touching the magnetic strip or chip area less can prolong the card's usability.
  • Proper Use: Use the card as intended, and avoid using it as a tool or toy, which can cause unnecessary damage.

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Keeping your plastic cards in prime condition is not just about appearance; it's a direct reflection of your brand's professionalism and reliability. Whether you're doling them out to new members, employees, or VIP customers, a well-maintained card speaks volumes about your business before a single word is exchanged.

And remember, PCID is only a phone call away for advice or a fresh batch of quality plastic cards and printers. Connect with us, we're here to support you every step of the way for all your plastic card needs, ensuring they remain as impressive as your business.

So, if you're ready to uphold your brand's shine and keep those cards working flawlessly, let us be the silent partner in your success. Reach out to us at 800.835.7919 today, and let's make every swipe count!

Extending the Card's Life

Maximizing the durability of your plastic cards not only serves your brand's image but also is a smart business move. When cards last longer, it translates to fewer reorders and replacements - saving you time and money.

Here's what we recommend for prolonging the life of your cards:

  • Regular Cleaning: Implement a regular cleaning schedule to keep cards in excellent condition.
  • Train Your Team: Educate your team on proper card handling and maintenance to ensure they do their part in preserving card integrity.
  • Quality Accessories: Encourage the use of cardholders or lanyards to minimize direct handling and damage.

When It's Time to Say Goodbye

Even with the best care, there comes a time when a card's duty comes to an end. When that time arrives, make sure you recycle the card responsibly. It's a simple step that speaks to your brand's commitment to doing the right thing, even in small gestures.

A quick call to 800.835.7919 can also guide you towards the proper disposal or recycling options available. No fuss, just straightforward advice.

Your Partner in Plastic Card Excellence

At Plastic Card ID , we're not just selling cards and printers; we're dedicated to ensuring your plastic cards consistently look and perform at their best. It's a mission we take seriously because we understand the power of a pristine plastic card in representing your brand's integrity and attention to detail.

Let us empower your business with cards that are as resilient and impressive as the services you provide. Your success reflects on us - and we take immense pride in being a part of your brand's story. Reach out to us, and we promise, your plastic cards will thank you for it.

Let's keep your brand's reputation as sharp as your plastic cards. For guidance on maintenance, new orders, or any questions, give us a shout at 800.835.7919 . We're here to ensure your plastic cards remain flawless, making every impression count.